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Data Jockey: Quick Start

  1. Installation:
    • In order to build and install Data Jockey please reference the file "README.BUILD" which is included the Data Jockey source code download.
  2. Importation:
    • Before actually using Data Jockey we must import some audio files into its database. We use the command line application datajockey_importer for this.
    • example: datajockey_importer /path/to/audio_file.ogg
  3. DJ: Once we have imported some songs into the database we can use the main Data Jockey application. Click here to view a screen shot of the main application.
    1. Launch the application:
      Sometimes you may have to launch jack externally before launching Data Jockey.
    2. Make sure you have the main outputs "output0" and "output1" connected to the outputs of your physical audio output device. (you can use jack_connect or qjackctl to do this).
    3. Select a work in the audio work database view ("work list" on the right).
    4. Load the selected work into the first mixer by clicking the 'load' button (displayed here) above that mixer channel. (loading takes a few seconds)
    5. Click the cue button to make the audio go to the main outputs.
    6. The cue button should now look like this.
    7. Select and load another work into the second mixer as you did above.
    8. Once you have selected the main outs for this mixer, by toggling the cue button as above, you should hear 2 songs that are playing in synch with each other.
    9. You can adjust the relative volumes of these songs by adjusting the slider in the appropriate mixer channel.
    10. You can adjust the global tempo by clicking the arrows on the tempo 'spin box' at the top right of the mixer panel.
    11. Explore! Most of the items in the mixer have tool-tips associated with them, so if you hover the mouse pointer over an item it should give you a short description of what it is.