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Data Jockey: Audio Import

Currently, the only way to play audio files with Data Jockey, is to first import them into the database. To import audio files into the database we use the command line application 'datajockey_importer,' which is included in the Data Jockey download.

Audio File Meta Data:

'datajockey_importer' reads the meta-data embedded in audio files and uses that to built up the database (using song title, artist name, album name, and genre tags). Make sure that your files are tagged correctly before the are imported.

Beat Locations and Tempo Descriptors:

'datajockey_importer,' by default, attempts to calculate the beat location information for each song it imports. Data Jockey uses this information to synchronize a song with a master tempo clock. This calculation takes some time and, if desired, can be disabled through the use of the command line argument '--no-beats'.

NOTE: at the moment there is no easy way to compute the beat location and tempo information after the song has been imported into the database. This will change eventually, but for now, if you are going to want to have Data Jockey synchronize your songs, make sure to have it compute the beat location information on import [the default].

Spectral Descriptors:

'datajockey_importer,' by default, also calculates some spectral descriptors for each song. These calculations take some time and, if desired, can be disabled through the use of the command line argument '--no-descriptors'.


The following command will attempt to import all of the audio files located in '~/music'. The -r switch, 'recursive,' indicates that 'datajockey_importer' should search all of the directories below '~/music' for audio files. The importer will then display all of the files it will attempt to import, ask the user if they wish to proceed, and if so, begin the importation process.

datajockey_importer -r ~/music

An example output follows:

Importing the files listed above, continue? (yes/no)

If the user wishes to continue they type yes[enter]:


Then the importation begins, an example output follows:

attempting import of /home/alex/music/dual-corporate_lies_and_deceit.mp3
attempting import of /home/alex/music/eats_tapes/sticky_buttons-knightress.flac
attempting import of /home/alex/music/solenoid-julys_war_butterflies.flac
attempting import of /home/alex/music/spk-slogun.flac
See datajockey_importer -h for more information about the command line arguments.