Data Jockey: Open Sound Control
The following describes Data Jockey's
Sound Control (OSC) implementation. OSC allows users to
control Data Jockey externally, using hardware interfaces or other
The port with which Data Jockey accepts OSC messages can be specified
in the config file, or using a command line argument
Below is the layout of the OSC messages that Data Jockey
recognizes. See the next section for examples of full OSC
messages. Note: all off the boolean arguments
can be substituted with an integer value of 0 == false or 1 == true.
- /datajockey
- /mixer/index
(int 0..number of mixers - 1)
the index of the mixer to address, 0 is the first, 1 is the second
- /volume
- value
(float 0..2)
set the volume to value
- /volume/relative value
increment/decrement the volume by value
- /mute
- value
true == mute, false == unmute
- /mute/toggle
toggle the mute state
- /eq/{high|mid|low}
address the eq section
- value
(float -1..1)
set the eq value
- /relative value
increment/decrement the eq value
- value
true == play, false == pause
- /toggle
toggle the play/pause state
- value
true == cue, false == play on the main outs
- /toggle
toggle the cue state
- value
true == sync to master clock, false == run free
- /toggle
toggle the sync state
- value
seek to a specific beat (or second if there is no beat data)
- /relative value
seek forward or backward the given number of beats (or seconds)
reset the playback position to the first beat selected (see the beat offset)
the beat number which will the song will jump to on reset
- value
set the beat offset
- /relative value
increment/decrement the beat offset
- value
set the tempo multiplier.
When a mixer is in sync mode, this makes the song run x times the tempo of the master tempo.
When a mixer is in free mode, this makes sets the playback speed.
/load id
(int 1..)
load the work that has the id "id" in the database
- /crossfade
- value
(float 0..1)
set the crossfade value, 0 is full left, 1 is full right
- /relative value
increment/decrement the crossfade value
- /mixers index_left index_right
(int int)
set the mixers to crossfade between
- /enable
enable/disable the crossfader
- /master
- /volume
- value
(float 0..2)
set the master volume
- /volume/relative value
increment/decrement the master volume
- /tempo
- value
set the master tempo in beats per minute
- /tempo/relative value
increment/decrement the master tempo
- /syncsource
(int 0..number of mixers)
set the master tempo sync source, 0 == run free, 1 == the first mixer,..
Below are some examples of full OSC messages that a user might send
to Data Jockey.
- /datajockey/mixer/0/volume 1.0
Sets the volume of mixer 0 [the first mixer] to the value of 1.0.
- /datajockey/mixer/2/volume/relative -0.1
Decrements the value of mixer 2 [the 3rd mixer] by -0.1.
- /datajockey/mixer/0/eq/high -1
Cuts all the highs out of the audio from mixer 0.
- /datajockey/mixer/1/eq/low 1
Fully boosts the low eq of the audio from mixer 1.
- /datajockey/mixer/1/mute/toggle
Toggles the mute state of mixer 1.
- /datajockey/mixer/1/mute 1
Mutes mixer 1.
- /datajockey/crossfade/enable false
Disables the crossfader.
- /datajockey/master/tempo 140.0
Sets the master tempo to 140 beats per minute.